When the pregnant woman feels the movement of the fetus? And other important information

Pregnancy: Your Baby Movement And Other Important Information to All Pregnants.

When the pregnant woman feels the movement of the fetus? And other important information

Pregnancy includes many warm and beautiful moments, and one of those special moments is the moment when the pregnant woman feels the movement of her fetus in her stomach for the first time. When does the pregnant woman feel the movement of the fetus?

A positive test result, the joy of the husband and the loved ones with the wonderful news, the first fetus image, the heartbeat of the fetus that you hear for the first time ... many beautiful moments that the expectant expectation and eagerly awaits, and one of these wonderful moments is the one in which the fetus moves in the womb for the first time.

When the pregnant woman feels the movement of the fetus?

Pregnant women usually feel the movement of the fetus in the period between 13-24 weeks of pregnancy period, i.e. with the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, and this is generally the rate in most, and there are certain patterns that may appear in some pregnant women, for example:

    0 If this is the first pregnancy, the pregnant woman may feel the movement of the fetus relatively late with the approach of the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy.
    0 If this is the second pregnancy, the pregnant woman may be able to feel the movement of the fetus for the first time in a relatively early period of pregnancy by reaching the thirteenth week.

It is worth noting that exceeding the pregnant woman for the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy without feeling the movement of her fetus may be a dangerous indication, and you should see a doctor immediately.

Did the fetus move in the womb?

The movement of the fetus usually begins in the womb due to several factors and causes, including the following:

    0 The growth of the fetus and the growth of its limbs and the concomitant desire of the fetus to extend and move its limbs.
    0 Exposure to external stimuli that motivate him to move, such as: sounds, the mother's feelings and psychological state.
    0 Pregnant women eat certain types of food, especially sweets.

It is noticeable that the fetus adapts its activity times and its sleep times to the woman's biological clock, as it often moves during the day with the movement and activity of the mother, and it calms and stops the movement at night with the mother's sleep.

How often is it normal for the fetus to move during pregnancy?

There is no specific answer to this question, as the matter varies from woman to woman, but there are specific indications that help to ensure that the fetus’s position is normal in terms of its movement, such as the regularity of the fetus’s movement, and if the pregnant woman feels that the usual movement of the fetus has completely disappeared, this may be A dangerous sign.

What does the child's movement look like?

In the first weeks of the baby's movement, the pregnant woman feels as if the baby is kicking or punching her stomach gently, especially at the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy.

As for the later stages of pregnancy, the nature of the fetus’s movement begins to change and transform, so the pregnant woman feels as if the fetus is expanding or flipping in the womb, and with the approaching date of birth the fetus’s movement may be limited due to the enlargement of its size and the decrease in the space that allows it to move freely in the womb.

Is the lack of movement of the fetus a dangerous sign?

Fewer movement of the fetus does not necessarily mean that there is a problem. Rather, it may simply mean one of the following:

    1) That the fetus takes a nap may be a little long.

    2) The fetus is in a position that does not allow him much movement.

    3) The fetus needs a diet that helps revitalize it.

But in other cases, the lack of movement of the fetus may mean things that cause concern, such as:

    1)Wrap the umbilical cord around the neck of the fetus.

    2)Abnormally slow fetal growth.

    3)Problems with the placenta, such as if the placenta is in a position that impedes the movement of the fetus and prevents it from fluctuating freely, as in the case of the anterior placenta.

Therefore, it is important to inform the doctor of any changes that cause concern, and it is important to visit the doctor periodically and to perform all pregnancy checks on schedule.

Things that stimulate the movement of the fetus

Doing the following things and practices may help the pregnant woman to stimulate and stimulate the fetus:

    0 Move and walk around the house.
    0 Talk to the fetus.
    0 Shining fluctuating light on the pregnant belly.
    0 A slight tingling of the abdomen.
    0 Eat a meal that contains sugar or drink sweet juice, such as orange juice.

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