The normal level of white blood cells ''WBCs''

White blood cells are one of the Most important body's defensive methods. So what's The normal level of WBC's, and how many Type it Has, Also what's going to happen if it High OR Drop.

The normal rate of white blood cells

White blood cells are one of the body's defensive methods, so what are these cells and what is their normal level in the body.

White blood cells are cells of the immune system that are responsible for the defense of the body. These cells are produced in the bone marrow when stem cells differentiate. What is the normal rate of white blood cells? What are the most prominent reasons responsible for changing their normal count in the body?


-The normal rate of white blood cells by age

The following table shows the normal white blood cells count per micro liter (or cubic millimeter) of blood based on age:



Baby's under 2yrs


Baby's above 2yrs and Adult


It should be noted that the normal range can vary from laboratory to laboratory.


-The normal rate of white blood cells, according to their type

White blood cells are also divided into five main types. When conducting a white blood cell count (WBCs count), these types are found according to the following ratios:




( lymphocyte)




( monocyte)


( basophil)



-Symptoms of the white blood cell count differ from the normal range

The following symptoms are indicative of a possible white blood cell count: fever, mouth ulcers, skin abscesses, pneumonia, fatigue, malaise, sudden weight loss, and frequent infection.

Having one or more of these symptoms does not mean getting sick, but you should consult a doctor if any.

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