Pulpitis : your comprehensive guide

Pulpitis: your comprehensive guide: What's?, Sign and Symptoms, Types, Causes, Risk Factors And Treatment.

Pulpitis : your comprehensive guide

There are different types of tooth inflammation (pulpitis) that you should not ignore treating in order not to lose your teeth, learn about pulpitis their causes, symptoms, and methods of treatment in this article:

Pulpitis or inflammation is a common medical problem that causes pain in the teeth, and it occurs at one or several teeth, and is usually caused by bacteria that invade the pulp of the tooth, which leads to swelling on it.

Types of dental inflammation

There are two main types of inflammation that affect the pulpitis, and they are as follows:

1.    curable (reversible) Pulpitis

In this type of inflammation, partial inflammation often occurs in the root of the tooth, which can be saved and the nerve is healed with just treatment, its symptoms are:

Feeling short-term pain, usually disappears as soon as the stimulant is gone (if you get pain after eating sweets or cold drinks)
A gap in your tooth, but it may not be deep.

2.    Non-curable (irreversible) Pulpitis

This type of dental inflammation occurs, when bacteria spread in the tooth nerve, and the inflammation becomes severe.

Incompatible dental inflammation usually causes severe pain that may last for a long time, and maybe you can’t sleep at night with it.

You may also have difficulty locating the exact pain, although 40% of people with untreatable Pulpitis may not feel the pain.

This inflammation can cause an infection at the end of the tooth - the result of the spread of bacteria in the nerve - which in turn leads to nerve death, and the formation of tooth abscess, which makes you feel very pain, especially when biting.

Non-curable (irreversible) Pulpitis may include other signs of infection, such as:
-Enlarged lymph nodes.
-Bad breath.
-Bad taste in the mouth.

It is worth noting, that if incurable Pulpitis is left untreated, the infection can spread to other parts of your body, including the brain.

Causes of Pulpitis

Inflammation of the teeth occurs when bacteria penetrate the enamel and dentin layers of the protective tooth pulp, causing swelling, pressure and pain, and the pulp remaining trapped inside the walls of the tooth, which increases the infection.

Layers of enamel and dentin can be damaged by several reasons, which include the following:

0 Cavities or cavities, causing tooth Corrosion.
0 Teeth collision.
0 Having a broken tooth.
0 Bruxism.

Pulpitis treatment

There are many treatments, due to the different types of dental infections, which are:

1)Treating curable Pulpitis

Your tooth can be saved if you detect early dental inflammation, the dentist may remove any decay, and add a filling to prevent the tooth from being exposed.

2)Treating incurable inflammation

When your nerve dies, you will not be able to restore it, but you can save the affected tooth. The dentist can perform an operation on the root canal to remove the decomposing root, then fill and lock the teeth.

In some cases, the treatment of the root canal may not work, due to the spread of damage, the available option may be to extract the tooth, then implant a new tooth, or put dentures.

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