Anemia: All That You Need To Know About.


What is Anemia?, Symptoms, Causes and risk factors, Complications, Diagnosis, treatment, prevention.

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Anemia: is a medical condition characterized by the lack of an adequate amount of red blood cells in the body to transport enough oxygen to the tissues.

People with anemia are more likely to feel tired very often.

Anemia: is defined as a decrease in one or more of the measurements related to erythrocytes:

- Concentration of hemoglobin (HGB): the concentration of hemoglobin that is the primary carrier of oxygen gas in the blood.

- Hematocrit (HCT): blood precipitate or percentage of red blood cell volume in total blood volume.

- RBC count: It is the number of erythrocytes present in a predetermined size of the total blood volume.

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The definition of anemia according to the above test values varies among males and females:

1. Males: values less than 13.5 g / dL for hemoglobin concentration and values less than 41 in the percentage of hematocrit.

2. Females: Values below 12 g / dL for hemoglobin concentration and values less than 36 in the percentage of hematocrit.

Different hemoglobin values

Below we will talk about special groups whose normal hemoglobin values may differ from other humans for genetic, genomic or life-related reasons:

• Smokers: It is known that smokers have higher hematocrit values "blood stacks" than non-smokers in the normal way, this may lead to camouflage and conceal the presence of anemia in these people smokers, if any, because we will not see it in laboratory blood tests.

• Highlanders: People who live high above sea level have higher hemoglobin values than those who live near sea level.

• African Americans: They have hemoglobin values of 0.5-1.0 g / dL lower than the internationally recognized values.

• Chronic diseases: Chronic diseases may lead to lower hemoglobin values than are universally accepted natural values, but these values do not actually indicate anemia.

• Athletes: Athletes have natural hemoglobin values that are different from universally recognized natural values.

NOTE: There are a few different types of anemia, and each type has its own cause.

Anemia may be a temporary condition or an ongoing medical condition, and it may range from mild to severe.

When anyone suspects that they have anemia, they should refer to the doctor, because anemia can be an early sign of the development of a more severe and serious disease.

Treatments for anemia range from eating food additives to medical treatments. It may be possible to prevent the development of certain types of anemia by maintaining a balanced, varied and healthy nutrition.

Symptoms of anemia

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The symptoms of anemia in patients depend on the degree of anemia they suffer in addition to the frequency of disease progression and the patient's need for oxygen.

Symptoms of anemia (listed below) usually appear if the disease progresses very quickly, but if the development of anemia is slow, it is possible that these symptoms do not appear because the body has become accustomed to the new condition.

Symptoms of anemia vary and vary, depending on the cause, which includes:

• Tired

• Pale complexion

• Fast and irregular heart palpitations

• Decreasing heartbeat

• Hard breathing

• Chest pain

• Dizziness

• Sleeping

• Changes in cognitive status

• Cold hands and feet

• Headache

• Myocardial infarction (in rare and severe cases of the disease).

NOTE: Early anemia may be very mild and imperceptible, but the symptoms get worse as the disease worsens.

Causes and risk factors for anemia

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Blood consists of a liquid called "plasma" and another cells.

Types of blood cells

There are three different types of blood cells that float inside the plasma:

1. Leucocytes: These cells fight infection.

2. Platelet / Thrombocyte: These cells help blood clot after infection.

3. Erythrocytes: These cells carry oxygen from the lungs, through the blood flow, to the brain, other vital organs and tissues in the body.

The importance of haemoglobin

Red blood cells contain hemoglobin (hemoglobin), a protein rich in red iron that gives blood its usual color (red).

Hemoglobin enables red blood cells to transfer (carry) oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body and transfer carbon dioxide from the body, back, to the lungs, so that it can be expelled from the body in the exhalation process

Most blood cells, including red blood cells, are constantly produced in the marrow (Bone marrow), which is a red spongy substance found inside the large bone cavities in the body.

In order to produce hemoglobin and red blood cells, the body needs iron, other minerals, vitamins, and proteins that are available in human food. In addition to some hormones, the most important of which is the hormone Erythropoietin (EPO), which the kidneys secrete in order to produce red blood cells.

It should be noted that the average life of a red blood cell ranges between 110 to 120 days.

When a person suffers from anemia, his body does not produce enough red blood cells, but rather wastes many of them or damages them faster than its ability to produce new blood cells.

Types of anemia

Common types of anemia - anemia - and its causes include:

• Iron deficiency anemia: This common type of anemia affects approximately 2-3% of the US adult population. The reason for its occurrence is the lack of iron in the body. Because the bone marrow needs iron in order to produce hemoglobin, and if the supply of iron is not sufficient, the body will not be able to produce enough hemoglobin for red blood cells.

• Vitamin Deficiency Anemia: In addition to its need for iron, the body also needs Folic acid and Vitamin B12 to produce a sufficient amount of the correct red blood cells. A diet lacking one of the vital nutritional compounds can lead to reduced red blood cell production. There are some people who suffer from the inability of their body to absorb vitamin B-12 effectively.

• Anemia as a symptom of a chronic disease: many chronic diseases, such as cancer, AIDS, gout, Crohn's disease, and other chronic inflammatory diseases, can affect the production of red blood cells, thus causing chronic anemia. Kidney failure can also lead to anemia.

• Aplastic anemia: This type of anemia is very rare, but it is life threatening. It occurs as a result of the reduced ability of the bone marrow to produce the three types of blood cells (red, white blood cells and platelets). The cause of aplastic anemia remains unknown in most cases. However, it is believed that it has something to do with diseases affecting the immune system.

• anemia caused by a disease in the bone marrow: many diseases, such as leukemia, myeloid dysplasia (Myelodysplasia) are a previous medical condition of leukemia and can lead to the appearance of anemia and affect the bone marrow. Effects of precancerous or semi-precancerous disorders, these can range from a very mild change in the amounts of blood cell production to the complete cessation of production in a way that is life threatening. There are also other types of cancer that attack the blood and bone marrow, such as multiple myeloma, myeloproliferative disorders, and lymphoma.

• Hemolysis anemia: This group of types of anemia develops when red blood cells are destroyed more quickly than the bone marrow's ability to produce new blood cells.

• Infection with some diseases: There are certain blood diseases that can cause extensive red blood cell damage. Disturbances in the immune system can prompt the body to produce antibodies against red blood cells, and to cause them to be destroyed prematurely. Also, taking certain drugs, such as different types of antibiotics (antibiotics) used to treat different types of infections (infections), can also cause damage to red blood cells.

• Sickle cell anemia: This type of anemia is sometimes severe, transmitted by heredity, and in most cases affects people of African, Arab or Mediterranean descent. This type of anemia occurs due to an imbalance in hemoglobin that makes red blood cells an exceptional sickle-like shape. This form of red blood cell causes these cells to atrophy and die prematurely, thus causing chronic deficiency in red blood cells.

• Other types of anemia: There are other additional types of anemia, are more rare types such as Thalassemia, and types caused by defects in hemoglobin. Sometimes, an accurate diagnosis of the cause of anemia cannot be found.

Anemia risk factors

Risk factors for anemia include:

• Malnutrition: Every person, whether young or adult, is fed mostly poorly fortified foods such as iron and vitamins, especially folic acid, prone to anemia. The body needs iron, protein and vitamins to produce enough red blood cells.

• Bowel diseases and disorders: People with bowel diseases or disorders that affect the absorption of food compounds in the small intestine, such as Crohn's disease and Celiac disease, are people at risk of anemia. An operation to remove part of the small intestine, or treat the affected part of the small intestine, in which food compounds are absorbed, can lead to a deficiency of certain food compounds, and then to anemia next.

• Menstrual cycle: Women of fertile age are, in general, they most likely to develop iron deficiency anemia, compared to men. This is because women lose amounts of blood, and as a result, they lose iron, too, during their menstrual period.

• Pregnancy: A pregnant woman is very susceptible to iron deficiency anemia, because her iron stock should support a larger volume of blood than normal and also be a source of hemoglobin that the fetus needs for growth and development.

• Chronic diseases and conditions: People with cancer, Renal failure or Hepatic failure, or any other chronic medical condition, may be vulnerable to the development of anemia called "anemia associated with chronic diseases" (anemia as a symptom of disease) chronic).

• These medical conditions may cause red blood cell deficiency. Also, slow but chronic blood loss, caused by peptic ulcer, or ulcers elsewhere in the body, may lead to depletion of iron stores in the body, thus causing iron deficiency anemia.

• Genetic factors: If there is a family member who suffers from one of the hereditary anemia cases, such as sickle cell anemia, this constitutes a risk factor for anemia, on a genetic basis.

Anemia complications

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If anemia is not treated, it may lead to various side effects and complications, including:

• Excessive fatigue (excessive fatigue): In difficult anemia cases, the patient may feel tired enough to prevent him from carrying out his very simple daily duties, as he is very tired and difficult to play or work.

• Heart problems: anemia may cause an acceleration and irregular heartbeat - Arrhythmia. In anemia, the heart must pump more blood to compensate for the lack of oxygen in the blood. This may even lead to "heart failure".

• Nerve damage: Vitamin B-12 is necessary and vital not only for the production of healthy red blood cells, but also for the proper functioning of the nervous system.

• Cognitive changes: A deficiency in vitamin B-12 may affect normal brain functioning.

• Death: Certain types of inherited anemia, such as sickle cell anemia, may cause severe medical complications that are dangerous to life.

NOTE: Loss of large amounts of blood during a short period of time, in general, leads to anemia, which may be fatal.

Diagnosis of anemia

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Doctors can diagnose anemia by reviewing the patient's medical history, performing a comprehensive physical examination and blood tests, including a comprehensive blood count (CBC - Complete blood count), a test that examines the level / focus of red blood cells as well as the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

In an adult human, the normal values of red blood cells range between 38.8 and 50 percent in males and between 34.9 and 44.5 percent in females, while normal hemoglobin values in an adult between 13.5 and 17.5 grams per deciliter in males and between 12 and 15.5 grams per deciliter in females.

Blood cells can be examined under a microscope to check for other causes, such as:

• The size.

• The shape.

• The colour.

Conducting these tests may help to reach an accurate diagnosis. For example, in iron deficiency anemia, red blood cells are smaller and more paler than usual. In vitamin-deficiency anemia, red blood cells are larger and smaller than normal.

Vitamin deficiency, red blood cells are larger and less numerous than usual.

Anemia treatment

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Treatments for anemia vary and vary according to the cause. They are as follows:

Iron deficiency anemia treatment: In most cases, anemia of this type is treated with iron supplement (s).

Vitamin deficiency anemia treatment: It is a difficult type of anemia that is treated with injections containing vitamin B-12, and in some cases this may last a lifetime.

Treatment of anemia associated with chronic diseases: There is no specific treatment for this type of anemia.

• Treatment of aplastic anemia: treatment of this type of anemia may include intravenous feeding to raise the amount of red blood cells in the body.

• Treating anemia caused by a bone marrow disease: Treating anemia caused by these multiple diseases ranges from taking medications with chemotherapy to bone marrow transplantation.

• Treating anemia caused by hemolysis: treatment of anemia caused by hemolysis includes refraining from taking certain medications, treating the accompanying infection (infections) and taking suppressive drugs to the immune system that attack red blood cells.

• Treatment for sickle cell anemia: This treatment includes anemia, monitoring and monitoring the levels of oxygen in the body, taking pain relievers, drinking fluids, drinking or by infusion to relieve pain and prevent complications.

Anemia prevention

Most cases of anemia are not preventable.

However, it is possible to prevent the appearance of iron deficiency anemia or anemia caused by deficiency of vitamins by a balanced and varied feeding that contains:

• Iron

• Folic acid

• Vitamin B12

• Vitamin C


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Persistence in eating foods rich in iron is very important, especially for people with bodies that need very large quantities of iron, such as children who consume iron in large quantities during the growth period, pregnant women and women of fertile age. It is very important to supply sufficient quantities of iron, especially for children, for vegetarians, and for those who run long distances.

In addition to all of this, everyone must perform general blood tests once within several years, according to the recommendations of the family doctor, to check and avoid anemia.

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